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Distributed Data-parallel Scientific Visualization in VR

Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CanimationMsgAnimation time step on client or no. of animation steps on server changed
 CboundsMsgSend scene bounding sphere from server to client
 CDepthQuantizeQuantized depth data for a single 4x4 pixel tile
 CDepthQuantizeBitsQuantized depth data for a single 4x4 pixel tile
 CDepthQuantizeMinMaxDepthMin/max depth for a single 4x4 pixel tile (when storing depths and interpolation bits separately)
 ClightsMsgSend lighting parameters from client to server
 CLightStore parameters for one OpenGL light source
 CmatricesMsgSend matrices from client to server
 CDisplayTileSerializable description of one IceT tile - usable by boost::mpi
 CGlobalStateState shared among all views
 CIceTDataPer view IceT state
 CReadBackCudaFast framebuffer read-back using CUDA
 CrfbMsgBasic RFB message header
 CRhrServerImplement remote hybrid rendering server
 CtileMsgSend image tile from server to client