►Nvistle | |
►Ncell | |
CTypeData | |
CTypeData< BAR > | |
CTypeData< CPOLYHEDRON > | |
CTypeData< HEXAHEDRON > | |
CTypeData< NONE > | |
CTypeData< POINT > | |
CTypeData< POLYGON > | |
CTypeData< PRISM > | |
CTypeData< PYRAMID > | |
CTypeData< QUAD > | |
CTypeData< TETRAHEDRON > | |
CTypeData< TRIANGLE > | |
CTypeData< VPOLYHEDRON > | |
►Ndetail | |
►Carchive_helper< yas_tag > | |
CArrayWrapper | |
Carchive_tag< yas_iarchive > | |
Carchive_tag< yas_oarchive > | |
CArchiveStreamType | |
CArchiveStreamType< yas_iarchive > | |
CArchiveStreamType< yas_oarchive > | |
Cderef_compare | |
Cdo_byte_swap | |
Cdo_byte_swap< big_endian, big_endian, T > | |
Cdo_byte_swap< little_endian, little_endian, T > | |
Cswap_bytes | |
Cswap_bytes< double, 8 > | |
Cswap_bytes< float, 4 > | |
Cswap_bytes< T, 1 > | |
Cswap_bytes< T, 2 > | |
Cswap_bytes< T, 4 > | |
Cswap_bytes< T, 8 > | |
Cyas_tag | |
►Nexcept | |
Cassertion_failure | |
Cconsistency_error | |
Cexception | |
Cnot_implemented | |
Cparent_died | |
►Nmessage | |
CAddHub | Announce that a (slave) hub has connected |
CAddObject | Add an object to the input queue of an input port |
CAddObjectCompleted | |
CAddParameter | Notification that a module has created a parameter |
CAddPort | Notification that a module has created an input/output port |
CBarrier | |
CBarrierReached | |
CBuffer | |
CBusy | Indicate that a module has started computing |
CCancelExecute | Trigger execution of a module function |
CCloseConnection | Terminate a socket connection |
Ccodec_error | |
CConnect | Connect an output port to an input port of another module |
CCover | Wrap a COVISE message sent by COVER |
CCreateModuleCompound | |
CDataTransferState | |
CDebug | Request a module to quit |
CDefaultSender | |
CDisconnect | Disconnect an output port from an input port of another module |
CExecute | Trigger execution of a module function |
CExecutionProgress | Steer execution stages |
CFileQuery | |
CFileQueryResult | |
CIdentify | Indicate the kind of a communication partner |
CIdle | Indicate that a module has finished computing |
CKill | Request a module to quit |
CLockUi | Lock UI (block user interaction) |
CMessage | |
CMessageBase | |
CMessageFactory | |
CMessageQueue | |
CModuleAvailable | Announce availability of a module to UI |
CModuleBaseMessage | |
CModuleExit | Notify that a module has quit |
CObjectReceivePolicy | Control where AddObject messages are sent |
CPing | Debug: request a reply containing character 'c' |
CPong | Debug: reply to pong |
CQuit | Request all modules to quit for terminating the session |
CReducePolicy | Control whether/when prepare() and reduce() are called |
CRemoveHub | Request that a slave hub be deleted |
CRemoveParameter | Notification that a module has removed a parameter |
CRemovePort | Notification that a module has destroyed an input/output port |
CReplayFinished | |
CRequestObject | Request remote data object |
CRequestTunnel | Request hub to listen on TCP port and forward incoming connections |
CRouter | |
CSchedulingPolicy | |
CSendObject | Header for data object transmission |
CSendText | Send text messages to user interfaces |
CSetId | |
CSetParameter | Request parameter value update or notify that a parameter value has been changed |
►CSetParameterChoices | Set list of choice descriptions for a choice parameter |
CPayload | |
CSpawn | Spawn a module |
CSpawnPrepared | Notification of manager that spawning is possible (i.e. shmem has been set up) |
CStarted | Acknowledge that a module has been spawned |
CTrace | Enable/disable message tracing for a module |
CUpdateStatus | Update status of a module (or other entity) |
►CArrayLoader | |
CArrayOwner | |
CUnreffer | |
CArraySaver | |
CAvailableModule | |
►CAvailableModuleBase | |
CConnection | |
CKey | |
CSubModule | |
CCell | |
CCellBoundsFunctor | |
►CCelltree | |
CCellBoundsFunctor | Compute bounding box of a cell |
CLeafFunctor | Return whether further cells have to be visited |
CVisitFunctor | |
CCelltreeInterface | |
CCelltreeNode | |
CCelltreeNode< 4, NumDimensions > | |
CCelltreeNode< 4, NumDimensions >.__unnamed5__ | |
CCelltreeNode< 4, NumDimensions >.__unnamed7__ | |
CCelltreeNode< 8, NumDimensions > | |
CCelltreeNode< 8, NumDimensions >.__unnamed1__ | |
CCelltreeNode< 8, NumDimensions >.__unnamed3__ | |
CClock | |
CCompressionSettings | |
CCoords | |
CCoordsWithRadius | |
CcoRestraint | |
CDataBase | |
CDeepArchiveFetcher | |
CDeepArchiveSaver | |
►Cdefault_init_allocator | |
Crebind | |
CElementInterface | |
CEmpty | |
CEnumArray | |
CFetcher | |
CFileInfo | |
CGeometryInterface | |
►CGridInterface | |
CInterpolator | Return at least those elements sharing faces with elem, but might also contain those just sharing vertices |
CHubData | |
►CIndexed | |
CNeighborFinder | |
►CLineIntersectionFunctor | |
CIntersection | |
CLines | |
CLineVisitationFunctor | |
CMessageSender | |
CMeta | |
CModule | |
CModuleCompound | |
CNetpbmImage | |
CNgons | |
CNormals | |
CObject | |
CObjectData | |
CObjectInterfaceBase | |
►CObjectTypeRegistry | |
CFunctionTable | |
CParameter | |
CParameterBase | |
CParameterCheck | |
CParameterCheck< Integer > | |
CParameterCheck< std::string > | |
CParameterManager | |
CParameterType | |
CParameterType< Float > | |
CParameterType< Integer > | |
CParameterType< IntParamVector > | |
CParameterType< ParamVector > | |
CParameterType< std::string > | |
CParameterVector | |
CPlaceHolder | |
CPointInclusionFunctor | |
CPoints | |
CPointVisitationFunctor | |
CPolygons | |
CPort | |
CPortTask | |
CPortTracker | |
►CReader | Base class for Vistle read modules |
CToken | |
CRectilinearGrid | |
CSaver | |
Cshm | |
CShm | |
Cshm_array | |
Cshm_array_ref | |
Cshm_exception | |
Cshm_name_t | |
Cshm_obj_ref | |
CShmData | |
CSpheres | |
CStateObserver | |
►CStateTracker | |
CMessageWithPayload | |
CModule | |
CStopWatch | |
CStructuredGrid | |
CStructuredGridBase | |
CSubArchiveDirectoryEntry | |
CSystemInfo | |
CTexture1D | |
CTubes | |
CUniformGrid | |
CUnstructuredGrid | |
CUrl | |
►CVec | |
CData | |
Cvecistreambuf | |
Cvecostreambuf | |
CVertexOwnerList | Map vertices to owning elements/cells |
CVistleScalarVector | |
Cyas_binary_iarchive | |
Cyas_binary_oarchive | |
Cyas_iarchive | |
Cyas_oarchive | |
CModule | Base class for Vistle modules |