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Distributed Data-parallel Scientific Visualization in VR

Remote Hybrid Rendering (RHR)

Remote Hybrid Rendering (RHR) can composite 2.5D imagery rendered remotely with locally rendered data. This is useful to

  • avoid transfer of large dynamic data sets,
  • decouple interaction from the slow rendering of large data.

The data structures for the RHR protocol are defined in <rhr/rfbext.h>.

Its implementation consists of two parts, a server-side (remote) plug-in (VncServer) and a client-side (local) plug-in (RhrClient) for COVER, the VR renderer of the visualization system COVISE [] and Vistle []. For sort-last parallel rendering, VncServer can be combined with CompositorIceT.

It is also compatible with Vistle's ray caster render module DisCOVERay.

Depth images can be optionally compressed with a lossy algorithm similar to Direct3D texture compression (cf. DepthQuantize), also on the GPU before read-back.

This work was funded by the EU within the project CRESTA [] and by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg within the projects bwVisu [] and bwVisu2.